Idea Exchange > Sushant Nayak

Sushant Nayak

Posted by SushantNayak
October 22, 2012
Rating: 10.00  Views: 2065
Screen savers don’t save power; they just protect your screen. Instead, use the sleep-mode or energy-saving feature on your computer. Consider using a laptop instead of a desktop computer. Laptops use up to 90 per cent less power
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Leave your car at ho
Rated by SushantNayak on January 22, 2013
If you can stay off the road just two days a week, you’ll reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,590 pounds per year. Combine your errands — hit the post office, grocery store and shoe repair place in one trip. It will save you gas and time. Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You can reduce greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health. If you can’t walk or bike, use mass transit or carpool. Every car not on the road makes
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