Permeable pavements are also known as green pavements. They may refer to different types of eco-friendly pavements and other surfaces like parking lots, backyard service roads created to suit different conditions such as hot climate, and vehicular movement. Permeable pavements are panels, natural as well as eco-friendly artificial ones, which are used instead of storm-water drains systems in sidewalks, streets, and parking lots. A permeable pavement as the name suggests helps water to permeate into the ground since it is porous and allows water to seep-in. It is quite unlike traditional concrete and asphalt pavement which do not let water to percolate into the ground beneath and thereby increase surface run off which eventually causes flooding.
Apart from providing a durable and strong surface for movement of vehicular traffic, permeable pavements also allow rainwater to filter into the ground thereby increasing the ground water levels. Since it allows water to seep into the ground, it also helps to filter and purify the water before it reaches natural water bodies. Rainwater that is allowed to run-off tends to accumulate large amounts of contaminants and pollutants on its way to the storm water drain system. A permeable pavement helps to reduce these contaminants and pollutants, thereby reducing the money and energy spent by city councils on various water purifying processes.
Permeable pavements help in the long run by reducing the amount of pollutants and effluents that find their way to natural water bodies and oceans. They allow growth of grass and small plants that help improve the air quality of the area and reduce the heat-island effect that is now very common in urban areas. Permeable pavements are available in different types like:
Porous Asphalt – Porous Asphalt is the traditional and most common material used. They can be used for pedestrian walkways and in residential areas where vehicular traffic is low.
Block Pavers – Block Pavers of different shapes, colors and material are used in residential and commercial areas to give an aesthetic appeal to walkways, driveways, and entryways.
Plastic Grid Systems – Plastic Grid Systems are made of high strength plastic and are used on roadways with heavy vehicular traffic. They prevent erosion and act as holding ponds that allows slow seepage of water into the ground below. Some are designed to be filled with soil to allow grass to grow.
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