Why buying an energy efficient home is important:
Buying or renting an energy-efficient home can help to reduce the expenditure spent on maintaining the home in the long run. Buying an energy-efficient home can be an intimidating task, if a buyer does not know what to look for in a home.
The principle behind energy-efficient homes:
An energy efficient home is designed to help in reducing the amount of energy conserved within the house. An important principle for energy-efficient homes is to preserve the protective envelope of the home. This is done by using effective insulation techniques and taking other measures to ensure that the home is sealed from the forces of nature. This will ensure no heat is lost or gained from the house curbing unnecessary waste.
Homes in the US today use more than 20% of the energy that is generated nationwide. Fifty three percent of this energy is derived from natural gas resources. The energy efficiency of the house can be judged by calculating the cost of heating and cooling per month or year. Conducting an energy audit for the house will evaluate its current efficiency level and the amount of investments required to bolster the efficiency level of the house.
What you need to look out for when buying an energy efficient home:
When looking out for a new house, one should inquire about a house’s home energy rating. This rating helps you to judge the energy efficiency of the house prior to purchasing it. Finance for the new house can sometimes be funded by an energy efficient mortgage. In fact, opting for energy efficient improvements in your house when refinancing it, may allow your interest to be tax deductible.
An Energy Star certified home will give you the best results when it comes to having a home that is not only efficient but pleasant to live in. These homes are designed to use 30% less energy resources than what is stated in the National Model Energy Code. These houses have high performance windows installed with insulation and sealing that are of high quality. The heating and cooling systems of these houses are top notch and highly efficient. An Energy Efficient Home Raters audit can be performed to ascertain an estimate of the cost of the home’s energy use
What make a home energy efficient:
The actual cost of construction of the energy efficient home is only a fraction of the cost of the entire house. It is possible to identify an energy efficient home by checking some crucial factors. Care should be taken to check the house’s insulation in the attic. One should inquire about the age of the furnace—the older the furnace the less efficient it is likely to be. Similarly the age of the air-conditioners, the water heating and piping affect the degree of energy efficiency. The condition of the roof also affects the energy efficiency level of the house. Older the roof the less energy efficient it is likely to be and a poor insulator in the process.
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