Almost 25of; the waste created by schools is in the form of paper and it is important that schemes dealing with recycling paper are emphasized. Paper waste should be segregated into paper-only boxes or paper recycling bins so that it can be later recycled. Children can be motivated to participate in these activities by making them create attractive posters and labels for the recycle bins. Children should be taught and encouraged to make their own creative stationery such as pencil holders, carry bags and shopping bags, picture frames, masks and other paper products using waste paper. Books could be covered using old calendars. Greeting cards can be reused, converted into picture frames or cut up to serve as book marks.
Most schools have vending machines and it is important that a separate recycling bin for cans is provided next to a vending machine. Identify a program in your area that offers cash for cans so that waste cans are used to earn some cash. Ensure that the print cartridges used in schools are recycled ones. Areas in different locations such as administrative offices, library, classrooms and vending areas need to be identified and recycle bins to collect recyclables such steel cans, metal cans, aluminum containers and� toner cartridges should be strategically placed to maximize collection.
Most of the trash generated in schools comes from the cafeteria. Color coded recycling bins to collect aluminum foil, paper bags, cans and bottles and cardboard boxes need to be strategically placed and students encouraged to use them. Serving lunch in reusable metal or plastic trays and cutlery can cut down on waste generation.
Educational Activities:
Children need to be educated about the importance of recycling through various activities such as role plays, puzzles, quizzes and competitions to create art from scrap. The recycling program should be advertised using posters, web page, and school handbook. The school newspaper should be used to publish successful efforts at recycling by individuals, groups or classes in the school, raising awareness levels among the students.