Energy consumption in retail:
Large format retail stores are found to consume a large amount of electricity. This is because products are often spot lit and the entire shop floor is bathed in warm light. Product displays also consume a significant amount of electricity. Here are a few tips to optimize the energy conservation levels of your retail store.
Lighting Levels:
Lighting is one of the major areas of energy expenditure in retail. Not all parts of the store need to be equally lit. Lighting can be controlled using an automatic lighting control system that dims all the lights at once. Lighting is measured in foot-candles. The maximum amount of lighting necessary is an average of 100 foot-candles. This is generally the lighting necessary to illuminate high value and intricate merchandise. Fitting rooms, areas that sell cosmetics and the pharmacy on the other hand require lighting of 75 foot-candles. General merchandise can easily be displayed in a lighting environment of 50 foot-candles. Offices can run operations in lighting conditions of 45 foot-candles. Lounges and stock rooms do not require as much lighting as other areas and can be illuminated at an average of 20 to 30 foot-candles respectively.
Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure that the lighting within the retail premises functions in an energy efficient manner. Accumulated dust on lamp fixtures should be cleaned to prolong their lifespan. Broken fixtures should be replaced as soon as possible. When replacing bulbs it is ideal to replace a bulb with the lowest wattage bulb possible. Energy efficient bulbs such as CFL bulbs should be used in place of incandescent ones. The presence of reflectors in the room along with reflectors added to the lamps will help increase lighting in the room without a substantial increase in expenditure.
Type of Lighting to be employed:
Lighting should be task lighting – focused on a specific area where a task is being undertaken. This will work out to be more cost effective that area lighting. Natural lighting should be used of as far as possible. Decorative lighting should be used only at high traffic periods to save on electricity costs.
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